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  • M. Bozga, R. Iosif and F. Zuleger. Regular Grammars for Graph Sets of Tree-Width ≤ 2 arXiv:2408.01226
  • L. Bueri, R. Iosif and F. Zuleger. Effective MSO-Definability for Tree-width Bounded Models of an Inductive Separation Logic of Relations arXiv:2402.16150
  • M. Bozga, L. Bueri, R. Iosif and F. Zuleger. The Treewidth Boundedness Problem for an Inductive Separation Logic of Relations. arXiv:2310.09542
  • R. Iosif and F. Zuleger. Characterizations of Definable Context-Free Graphs. arXiv:2310.04764
  • M. Bozga, R. Iosif and J. Sifakis. Local Reasoning about Parametric and Reconfigurable Component-based Systems. arXiv:1908.11345
  • M. Bozga, R. Iosif and F. Konecny. The Complexity of Reachability Problems for Flat Counter Machines with Periodic Loops arXiv:1307.5321

